The inaugural Khelo Kho Kho World Cup has brought the traditional Indian sport to the global stage, with matches kicking off in India on January 13. The tournament features teams from 23 nations competing for the coveted title, aiming to showcase Kho Kho’s fast-paced action and strategic brilliance to a worldwide audience.
The event will run until January 19, marking a significant step in promoting Indian sports internationally. India’s men’s and women’s teams are considered strong contenders for the championship. The men’s team is led by Pratik Waikar, while Priyanka Angale captains the women’s team.
The event has generated immense enthusiasm, further amplified by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s association as the brand ambassador, drawing attention from sports and entertainment enthusiasts alike. Organizers hope the tournament will be a turning point for Kho Kho, elevating it to a global sporting phenomenon.
There are ambitious plans to include the sport in the Asian Games by 2030 and eventually the Olympics by 2032. This World Cup aims to not only celebrate India’s heritage but also pave the way for Kho Kho’s international recognition and popularity.